‘The Blazhko veil’ is the result of an interdisciplinary collaboration between Katrien Kolenberg, Ehsan Moravveji, Marc Horemans and Frederik Van de Moortel. They were inspired by astronomical research, more specifically by the registered data of the RR Lyrae variable stars. The scientists and the artists directed their attention towards the Blazhko effect of these data. Up until this day the effect can be understood as a primary form of disruption and chaos. Perhaps a better understanding of our existence is hidden in the effect.
The close collaboration between artists and scientists led to a scientifically oriented audiovisual installation. The three entities, science, image and sound confronted each other and resulted in a sensory contribution to the astronomical discourse. The three interrelated media or practices blur the lines between the factual and the longed for because if one intends to measure themselves against the cosmos, one appeals to reason and to intuition, to the factual and to the fictional, to the objective and the subjective.
This project is a collaboration between:
Artists: Marc Horemans, kunstenaar en docent Vakoverschrijdend Atelier SLAC/Beeldende Kunst; Katrien Kolenberg; Frederik Van de Moortel
Scientists: Prof. Katrien Kolenberg; Ehsan Moravveji, Afdeling Sterrenkunde, KU Leuven; Frederik Van de Moortel, componist en docent Sounddesign, LUCA School of Arts